Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day, 2011

I meant to post this earlier today, but the sun was shining, it was a perfect 85 degrees outside, and I was thrilled to be outside with my family to celebrate this Memorial Day.

It still was important to me though, to write this post, and to post it today, even though there are only a mere 2.5 hours left to it. On Saturday, I was in Boston, shooting Laura and Preston's engagement photos. I used to live in Boston, and haven't been downtown in awhile, so I thought I'd go a bit early, feeling lucky for the opportunity to be in the city with my camera.

I stepped out of the parking garage on the Common, and was just about to cross the street into the Public Garden when I looked behind me and gasped, (actually it was more of an "ooooooooooooooh!" Just ask my husband who was on the phone with me at the time. I think I might have actually hung up on him, I was so excited). On the hill of the common were thousands, and I mean thousands of American flags. I simply could not resist.

It was amazing. I learned that they were placed in memory of fallen Massachusetts service members. There were so many, I couldn't stop taking pictures.

I was so amazed by the whole thing that I spent most of my free time just looking at it. It was simply breathtaking. The last shot I took was of this yellow rose, attached to one of the flags towards the front. I wondered who placed it there, and who it was in memory of.

I hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day. I also hope you took a minute or more to stop, remember, and thank those who have given their lives for our freedom, and also to the service members and their families who are currently serving our country.

1 comment:

  1. This is just beautiful and such an honor as our flags shows strength
